Take Photos Of Your Bicycle Ride
Sometimes The Ride Gets So Intense
My photo essay is here.
That we forget or forgo taking photos of the people and scenery we are riding with and through.
Take photos of your bicycle ride.
I have a lot of photos from many rides. What I miss, however, are the photos I did not take, because I was too intent on the ride, the pace or something else.
They do not need to be spectacular, just memorable.

If like me, you ride in many different places, the photos become a travelogue.
Even if you only ride locally, and in a fast paceline, with a drive for speed . . . these are still memories.

Colorado Pro Tour 2011, Gunnison, CO
I have ridden on Long Island, NY (yes, for some reason is it always ON Long Island and IN New York City), Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, upstate NY, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, California, Oregon, Europe and more.
My only regret is that I do not have photos of ALL these places, because the ride became the only goal.

So, get off the bicycle a few times and create some memories for yourself.
